I Almost Lost My Big Toe From Alcohol Drinking

It’s the ten-year anniversary since I had my scare with my big toe! It was June of 2014 and I was on my way to celebrate my sister’s bachelorette party in New Orleans. I was pumped to get the party started! We were going to have a blast! And the liquor was going to be flowing.


The first night there I of course, got wasted. I mean almost carried home by some of the other ladies at the party, wasted. So, by the second day we were all out day drinking, and my right big toe was having issues. It was hurting, I could barely put my shoes on, my toenail was falling off, I was a mess! I was so determined to keep partying though, so I went out that day.

Big mistake.


It only made my situation worse. I ended up getting a bike taxi back to the hotel and elevating my foot on the couch. I had no idea what was going on and my only concern at the time was to get better so I could enjoy the rest of the bachelorette party.


It wasn’t until I got home that I HAD to go to the doctors. I just thought it was some nail fungus and that they could heal me right up. No biggie.


I had no idea what was REALLY going on with me.

The doctor I decided to see was a TOE SPECIALIST, so I thought he will know exactly what is happening here! He didn’t. He just told me that I needed to take a medication for 90 days and it might go away. Never told me what it was, what is causing this, or what I could do to prevent this. Just gave me a prescription and said we will see after the 90 days what’s going on.


I thought, hmmm okay. Well, this isn’t what I was searching for. He had zero answers for me and I didn’t know what to do in that moment in time. I trusted he knew what he was talking doubt and this is his specialty, so ‘he knows best’.


He then proceeds to tell me while I’m taking this medication I can’t be drinking alcohol for 90 days. The medication AND alcohol are too much for my liver, I have to choose between one or the other. I had to stop drinking if I wanted to heal this issue with my toe.


That right there scared the shit out of me! Quit drinking alcohol for 90 days?? I am about to start summer. It’s party season! I can’t quit alcohol.


Those were the thoughts going through my head. I could barely walk, but I was still concerned about what I was going to do for ‘fun’. I was clearly addicted to alcohol and had no idea.


My main thoughts were let’s get this toe healed and get back to partying.


I didn’t realize how bad my situation really was. I thought I was dealing with some little toe nail fungus… but it was worse, much worse. It would take me another 3 years to even realize how bad it was!

So I took the medication and tried quitting alcohol. I went a good amount of time without it but also drank 6 times during those 90 days. Six was a good number to me at the time too! My toe stopped flaring up and I was on my way, back to my normal life of going out and drinking alcohol with my friends… so I thought.


I kept drinking alcohol and living my life for another three years.

It was on ANOTHER vacation in 2017 in Mexico with my family that my toe, once again, was flaring up and causing serious issues. It was swelling, hurting really bad, red, my toe nail was falling off and oozing.. it was terrible!

I tried not to drink on this vacation but three days in, I caved. The rest of the time was an all-out drinking fest. I drank for the next 6 days and by the time I was getting on the plane to go home, I couldn’t walk! I was at the airport with my foot elevated, I could barely put on shoes to walk in, and the pain was unbearable!


I had to start looking at what started this again? I am in Mexico City, trying to catch my flights home, and I might have to go to the emergency room in this foreign city. Something has to give! The prior bachelorette trip of 2014 all came rushing back to me! I remembered that I never actually healed my toe, it just wasn't hurting all those years. I was back at square one and still dealing with this.

I luckily made it home okay. But when I got home I started searching for answers.

Thank God I was in the middle of learning to be a health coach at the time! I knew that the doctors couldn’t help me, I tried that years ago and it didn’t heal me while SIMULTANEOUSLY destroying my liver. I didn’t want to go that route again, it didn’t solve the problem anyways. I had to take matters into my own hands. I needed to get to the ROOT of what was causing this! That's when I started looking into my teachers ‘Heal Candida Now’ cleanse, and all the bells and whistles started going off in my head!


That cleanse clearly states that if you have ever had a; past or present toenail fungus you have a candida infection. I thought, that is me! I have that! It’s how I knew I needed to heal my toxic candida infection. So I started on that whole journey of healing my toxic candida infection. Which was ultimately what healed my toe in the end!

 What I didn’t realize is that my toe wasn’t a toenail fungus at all, it was gout! Gout is serious too. It causes major inflammation in the toe, an inflammatory arthritis, joint pain, and results in the toenail falling off. Gout affects all joints too, not just the toes! it affects the hands, knees, elbows, and feet. It was exactly what I was going through! Gout happens when there is a high uric acid levels in the bloodstream. You know what else is flowing in your bloodstream, a toxic candida infection!


The reason I say this is because unbeknownst to you, alcohol is causing a lot of underlying health issues you might not be connecting to alcohol drinking. Why? Because the alcohol is creating the toxic candida infection. 90% of all alcohol drinkers have this infection! It’s what was causing the gout issue in me in the first place. It was the candida infection all these years! Even the toe specialist doctor didn’t know this. He resorted to causing FURTHER damage to my liver, which at that time I needed to HEAL my liver!


This candida infection causes is a host of health issues for you! As a woman you are most likely dealing with mental health issues. You could be having panic attacks, bouts of depression, feeling like life is hopeless, feeling sadness all the time, stressed out and have anxiety, having negative thoughts, or like you are on robot mode – just going through the days without any happiness or excitement. You may also be experiencing brain fog and your train of thoughts just end abruptly and you don’t remember what you were going to say.


Those are just some* of the mental health issues.


The physical issues you are dealing with are bloating, eating foods and having your stomach hurt after a meal, having zero energy to get through your day, wanting to lose weight and finding it nearly impossible, having really painful periods every month, heartburn or acid reflux, acne, yeast infections, eczema, and having trouble falling asleep at night.


These are all signs that you are dealing with a toxic candida infection! I can guarantee that you are not connecting drinking alcohol to these health issues. The alcohol is the cause of this fungus in the body. Once that starts happening, the alcohol has now been feeding and growing this fungus! It’s why so many ex-alcohol drinkers NEED sugar. They start turning to lollipops and sodas for their sugar fix.


What’s also a doozy is this candida infection will make you crave alcohol. It wants you to drink alcohol! So when you get home every night and are having your nightly alcohol drinks, you are not just drinking to unwind, your drinking because the alcohol cravings are hitting you.


So many woman are suffering with this candida infection and the alcohol is making it worse!


Here’s what you want to do, you want to work on quitting alcohol FIRST. You don’t want to start a cleanse then go back to what caused it in the first place: alcohol.


You want to be practically done with drinking alcohol before you start the ‘Heal Candida Now’ cleanse.


That is why I have designed a sobriety method for you!

I created a program just for you to start quitting alcohol in a HEALTHY way before a deep cleanse! This way you are not overwhelmed, you have time to start implementing healthy sobriety practices and get you PREPARED for a deep cleanse like candida. You move at your own pace too. No deadlines, days you have to be sober, or quitting overnight. That is not the way I quit alcohol and that is not the way I teach you to do it.


What I do is ADD IN healthy habits first! It is much easier to let something go when you feel better and start making changes in your life. That is why I have created ‘Sober for An Hour’ 7-day plan to get you started on a sobriety routine! It’s only for an hour a day and we start healing your body right away. You feel the accomplishment without any pressure!

Your freedom is right around the corner! All you haver to do is say YES to quitting alcohol!!

You just make that first step. That is all you need today.


Have a beautiful day everyone and I hope this brought so many aha moments to your own life and that you FINALLY have answers to the reasons you feel the way you do! Now it’s time to have the sober life you always dreamed of!


<3 Mahina


Say NO, more than you say yes!


I Wasn’t Depressed, I Was Having Fun