Mahina Keala Mahina Keala

You Literally can’t fail When you are Quitting Drinking Alcohol!

I look at quitting alcohol as a MASSIVE leap forward in your own personal evolution! So why do we all get so down on ourselves for even trying to quit alcohol?

Say you told yourself, “I am going to quit drinking alcohol!”

You are super pumped, and you have every intention of not drinking that nasty stuff. You are committed, ready, and excited for this new venture of healing.

Then the weekend hits, and the texts start coming in. You got friends and family inviting you out, super fun events to go to, sports outings, bars patios to sit on, maybe even a friend’s garage to go hang out in, or just a dinner date with your spouse.

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Mahina Keala Mahina Keala

Say NO, more than you say yes!

You need boundaries around your sobriety healing! When you want to quit you will have all your old drinking friends, family members, and habits coming up to pull you back in. Listen to this Audio session where I talk about having tight boundaries for yourself!

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Mahina Keala Mahina Keala

I Almost Lost My Big Toe From Alcohol Drinking

It’s the ten-year anniversary since I had my scare with my big toe! It was June of 2014 and I was on my way to celebrate my sister’s bachelorette party in New Orleans. I was pumped to get the party started! We were going to have a blast! And the liquor was going to be flowing.

The first night there I of course, got wasted. I mean almost carried home by some of the other ladies at the party, wasted. So, by the second day we were all out day drinking, and my right big toe was having issues. It was hurting, I could barely put my shoes on, my toenail was falling off, I was a mess! I was so determined to keep partying though, so I went out that day.

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Mahina Keala Mahina Keala

I Wasn’t Depressed, I Was Having Fun

I would never have said that I was depressed when I was drinking alcohol.

 Sure, I had my up and downs but doesn’t everyone? That is how I was looking at life.  

I always said I was drinking alcohol because I needed to go out and have fun. Those first two drinks were awesome! I was happy, I was having a good time, and I was still functional. I wasn’t sloppy drunk, blacking out, or passing out… yet.

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Mahina Keala Mahina Keala

I could never just have one drink

And if you can cudos to you, but that never worked out for me in the end!

I would tell myself all the time that this was going to be a two-drink night, go home, and wake up tomorrow ready to get my day started!

That was the plan anyway…

Once I got to the bar and started drinking, myself control went out the window. I always felt the best when I had two drinks. That was when the good buzz was starting to happen. Where I felt my dopamine hits turning on, I was feeling buzzed, still coherent but giddier… yeah that was my sweet spot.

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