Addiction Freedom Method

For woman suffering with the heavy burden of drinking alcohol, waking up with hangovers where you can’t move off the couch, regretting what you did the night before, feeling tired, exhausted, lacking purpose, and feeling dissatisfied whenever you drink alcohol!

Having hot flashes, unexplained or immovable weight gain, having trouble sleeping at night -insomnia, brain fog, mood swings, depression, headaches, and migraines.

Then this program is for you!

Hi! My name is Mahina and I was alcohol dependent for more than 10 years before I decided to change that for myself!

I came to a place in my life where alcohol was creating more pain than fun. I felt disconnected from myself and didn’t know why I was feeling this way.

I was hating who I was becoming because I knew this wasn’t the life I wanted to live! I didn’t want to go to the bars till 3 am. I didn’t want to be hungover the next day and be so lethargic I couldn't move off my couch. I didn’t want to have this gnawing depression and anxiety lingering over me all the time. I was slowly losing myself and I needed to change my life.

I was having issues with gout (which I thought was a nail fungus) but was actually a serious case of gout that years of alcohol drinking had caused me! All those years of unhealthy habits - (drinking alcohol, eating high fat foods, cigarettes, and more) had created an arthritis in my joints called gout. I could barely walk before I said no more!

I had to take my health into my own hands and quit alcohol for good! It was destroying my health, happiness, mind, and body. This is the reason I created the AFM progam, because I know other women are suffering with the same issues I was! Addicted to alcohol, saw no way out, miserable, and depressed.

Addiction Freedom Method


Addiction Freedom Method ~

Addiction Freedom Method is A six-week program for those ready to quit drinking, leave behind heavy ENERGY, depressive thoughts, and start to reclaim their life and health to live more energized and hopeful.

Introduce your brand

“I would encourage anyone contemplating this program to go for it! It is the best thing I have done for myself in a long time! It completely changed my relationship to alcohol! Mahina is an amazing coach, I will forever be grateful for her support.”

-Amanda AFM Client

Why quit alcohol?

Because alcohol is causing you more pain than fun!

It is SO painful when you wake up and move from your bed to the couch. Resort to ordering from door dash because your too tired to cook. Feeling regret, shame, and embarrassment for what you did the night before.

Have depression, lack of interest in life, anxiety panic attacks, and negative self talk.

You’re dehydrated all the time and that causes you to feel lethargic. You are feeling disconnected from yourself, you know something is off! You hate how you feel most days and that is another reason you continue to drink alcohol, you just want it to go away.

Alcohol is draining your energy levels!

Alcohol has been effecting you mentally and physically! You know that you feel tired and drained when hungover, but there is way more going on PHYSICALLY than you realize!

Alcohol is processed in one place: YOUR LIVER. That is why you are feeling so weighed down and tired! When you aren’t waking up with loads of energy, I know it’s because you are experiencing liver issues. Years of drinking alcohol creates a cascade of health issues you have no idea are related to alcohol drinking! I am going to show you how to heal this.

Signs alcohol is creating liver damage:

You have bad breath, skin rashes, excessive sweating, offensive body odor, dark circles under your eyes, small spider like vessels in the skin, acne, rosacea, pale stool, headaches, migraines, and nervous system disorders like: depression, mood swings, anger, irritability, brain fog, poor concentration, and hot flashes, and weight gain!

This AFM Program is centered around healing your liver with certain foods, herbs, and supplements so you can start to have more energy and not feel weighed down by a lot of health issues drinking alcohol has caused! It’s so fun to not wake up hungover and irritated and know exactly what you need to do now!

Alcohol makes hot flashes and mood swings worse!

When your liver is sluggish from drinking alcohol, you start having excess hormones!

This is why you have mood swings, acne, low sex drive, dryness, depression, fatigue, headaches/migraines, allergies, and memory loss. Hello high cortisol levels!

Hello high cortisol levels, stress, and weight gain around your mid section!

Alcohol feels dark and hopeless

The more alcohol you drink - the more shame, depression, regret, despair, and embarrassment begin to eat at you.

Soon it feels like you are drowning in your own pit of hopeless despair. Wondering how you got here, not seeing a way out.

Your mental health starts to decline, quickly!

I was waking up everyday not knowing what to do with myself, feeling lost and dissatisfied with my life. I had no idea the mental toll alcohol was causing me. That was my normal.

You have a hard time saying no to alcohol because of one reason: candida fungus! It’s not because you have no willpower.

The biggest issue with candida is it causes depression, anxiety, sadness, stress, angst, inability to feel happiness, and a lack of interest in life. All reasons to drink more alcohol!

You will try to quit drinking alcohol, and as soon as you take a break - you get pulled right back in! It is because the candida fungus in your body WANTS you to drink alcohol!

This six week AFM Program is designed to get you alcohol free so you can begin looking into detoxing the candida fungus through the ‘Heal Candida Now’ cleanse.

Candida is present in over 90% of ALL alcohol drinkers! We are not detoxing candida in this program! I am PREPARING you for that down the road! You have to heal the alcohol drinking FIRST.

You need to know WHY it is hard to say no to alcohol AND why you keep drinking it! It is because of the candida infection!

“I wouldn’t be able to jump into my healing candida cleanse without this step for sure. Thank you for this amazing group!”

-Jazz AFM Client

I take an approach like no other sobriety method out there!

I focus on health, nutrition, mental health, and addressing the issues that keep you coming back to alcohol!

I don’t give you a certain amount of days you have to be sober – I say, “Yes quit drinking alcohol, it is destroying your health and here is how I am going to help you heal that!”

But you are free to do as you please. The greatest thing about this program is it is a WIN-WIN for you!

There is no shame or guilt here. I expect nothing from you. This is your healing, and you need to do it how you see fit! I know how it is to quit alcohol. It didn’t happen overnight for me. I was quitting alcohol AND studying to be a health coach.

I had my ups and downs at first. It wasn’t like I said, “Oh I am going to quit alcohol” and never picked it up again. I did, I was healing! I give that grace to all my clients. That is why I know you can do this! Pressure free!

You need support, encouragement, empowerment, awareness, and grace to make informed decisions so you can change your life for the better!

“I wasn’t expecting this. I haven’t drank in almost the whole six weeks That’s the longest I haven’t drank in 15 years!”

-Mary AFM Client

Alcohol is a sign there is ptsd…

Alcohol is a numbing substance. We all tell ourselves we are drinking to have fun or relax, but in reality: There is ALWAYS underlying distress and trauma when we drink alcohol. Most likely buried deep!

Stress, underlying trauma, abuse, PTSD, anxiety and stuck in functional freeze mode are factors in drinking alcohol.  A lot of women suffer with undiagnosed ptsd! It is more common than you think, and alcohol feels like a relief when you are harboring this kind of stress and anxiety! It is understandable why you are drinking right now.

What feels like an answer,

stress relief, and comfort - is really numbing you to feeling ANYTHING.

Never get down on yourself for drinking alcohol. It’s actually been protecting you from a lot of trauma! You will see that the more you stop drinking it.

This helps you heal any shame and guilt connected to drinking alcohol.


You want to you forgive yourself for anything you think you have or haven’t done!

There is nothing wrong with you drinking alcohol. you are not defected or a bad person. You are just looking to feel better and get rid of what is no longer working for you, like drinking alcohol!

Why aa and 12 steps disempower you..

Those programs may get people to quit drinking alcohol, but at what cost? Vulnerable, lost, and hopeless people come to a program looking for help - only to be told they have an incurable disease that is genetic.

I see so many people coming out of these recovery programs needing to recover from them! The promotion of ‘all or nothing’ when quitting alcohol creates more shame and guilt. That is the LAST thing someone needs when drinking alcohol!

aa and 12 steps keep you in victim mode, disempowered, and handicapped. People are looking for a way out , only to be told that they can’t cure this, they just have to stop drinking and if they do drink again, they relapse. they failed. they have to start over.

I decided to quit drinking and I still ended up drinking again. That didn’t stop me from continuing my healing! Here I am seven years later, alcohol free and loving it! I do not have one day at a time, zero cravings, or have ANY desire to go back to that lifestyle. I NEVER use phrases such as ‘relapse’, ‘start over’, ‘failed’, ‘alcoholic’, or ‘Disease’. This implies that the power to transform is out of your hands. That you will never fully recover after alcohol. l am here to show you that is fully possible!

You need answers, a way out, help, support, and for someone who has mastered what you are looking to do yourself. Let alcohol go and heal your body!

ADDICTION FREEDOM METHOD - life changing results!

“Yes!! I love this! This has been my first sober holiday season too, in many many years.. probably 20 or so, other than the year I was pregnant. That is wild to even think about! Your program changed my life. It isn’t always easy to stay sober, but it is worth it. My creativity is through the roof! And I know I’m clearing so much from my body and spirit. So grateful for you!”

-Mary AFM Client

“I am so excited that this will be my first adult NYE alcohol free and to wake up fresh NY day!”

-Jazz AFM Client

“This! I took quite a few stumbles on healing my addiction last year, but everytime I came back to AFM and Jesus. This year will be my first fully sober, I know that WITHOUT a doubt. The tools I received from your program were invaluable. Soul saving.”

-Kari AFM Client

“Thank you so much Mahina. My energy feels so lovely after speaking with you.”

-Amanda AFM Client

“Yes! I feel a shift in my thinking I don’t want that feeling of not being in control of my own body and mind! I feel stronger around making choices for me.”

-Amanda AFM Client


“This group was one of the BEST decisions I’ve ever done for myself. Mahina is amazing!”

-Mary AFM Client


This is a nutrition-based program! The goal for the six weeks is to get you to drink less alcohol and start healthy sobriety habits! Who knew quitting alcohol was all about eating delicious healthy foods and feeling better!

What I focus on:

 My main goal for you in these six weeks is to improve your energy levels, empower you to make healthier choices and not drink alcohol, get you on a sobriety health plan you can EASILY follow, set sober boundaries for yourself, and healthy again!

 This approach to quitting alcohol helps you feel better almost immediately! It keeps you focused on a very important priority: your well-being.

 I take a very grounded, PRACTICAL approach here! Every week we will be building healthy sobriety habits to support your liver, relieve stress, strengthen/heal your nervous system, mental health, and energy levels.

I put everything I learned as a Wellness Coach and my experience with quitting alcohol into this program! I wanted you to know EXACTLY what I did so you can get to the business of feeling better NOW!

By the end of this program, you will know more than most doctors!


I know because I created AFM from my own experiences

Healing my addiction to alcohol while also learning at the only plant-based school there is, HMIWELLNESS - that has 50 years of research backed science! I specifically specialize in sobriety and liver healing.

My method goes far beyond not drinking alcohol!

Did you know that it can take up to ten years for your liver to get back to normal after drinking alcohol? What I am going to show you is how you can REVERSE that damage alcohol has caused, so you don’t live with depression and low energy levels!

We want to be proactive with our health!

I see many people quit alcohol and have terrible depression, anxiety, and sugar cravings.

 I wanted a THRIVING life after alcohol! You are quitting alcohol here and feeling better than you did BEFORE you started drinking alcohol. If you can even remember what that feels like. I am healthier now than I ever was before! I am going to show you how to do that with yourself!

Addiction Freedom Method

Addiction Freedom Method

My approach:

Building on each week - so by the end of the 6 weeks you will have a complete health coaching sobriety plan! You will feel more dedicated and ready than you have in a long time!

Come As You Are

  • We will be learning how to support, heal, and detox the liver with foods, herbs, teas, and supplements.

  • Manage stress related issues like anxiety, panic attacks, functional freeze mode, and ptsd with certain practices.

  • Increasing our Glutathione intake, the livers master antioxidant!

  • Learning to have boundaries around our sobriety healing!

    Alcohol is a very social substance, it’s everywhere! I share with you how important boundaries are when you want to get sober! Every friend, family member, and (maybe even yourself) - will be pulling you back into ‘old ways’ of having fun.

  • Release guilt and shame for drinking alcohol. feeling like your a bad person, failure, and Not worthy.. all of that has got to go!

  • Focus on the most important relationship we have: the one to ourself!

  • Healing and rebuilding the cells in our brain.

    This sounds scientific, but it’s really not. I will be sharing with you the best foods to eat for your mental health! These specific foods and practices will help you grow new neurons in your brain. You don’t have to be a certain age for this! lacking critical vitamins, minerals, & nutrients will cause you stress, agitation, feeling frazzled, and annoyed. All reasons to go back to drinking alcohol!

    Lacking certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals has a profound effect on your mental health!

  • Having support in a like-minded community

From the best Testimonial Of All:

My own.

I never thought that I had an addiction to alcohol. I drank it at least three to four times a week for more than ten years! A doctor told me once that I needed to take a three month break from alcohol, and that scared the shit out of me! I still didn’t see that as being alcohol dependent! I just always told myself I drank alcohol for fun. So I get it, you may not even think alcohol is an issue for you. I didn’t!

I truly just came to my breaking point. I didn’t want to end up another ten years sick, addicted, toxic, and stressed out.

So I created this program for all you ladies just like me! Ready to feel better, leave the toxic habit of alcohol behind, heal your mind and body, have more energy than you can imagine, feel inspired, and cultivate true self love again.

“Find you a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life!”

-Amy Poehler