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Purchase Program
The hangovers from hell, needing two or three days to recover, laying on the couch all day, feeling guilty, bored with life, being lethargic, feeling bloated and puffy, and sick of how alcohol is making you feel!
This 7-day program is for you! to get you out of your alcohol rut!
Sober for an hour
7-Day Challenge!
Seven days to ignite, jump start, and begin your road to freedom! Sobriety doesn’t have to be an overnight success. I show you how to take easy, manageable steps to support an alcohol free lifestyle! Take ONE WEEK to commit to yourself!
alcohol is keeping you in a state of depression. When you are in that energy, it is difficult to quit alcohol.
This week is all about getting you to break the cycle of depression and help you quit alcohol in a gentle way!
You are looking for action steps you can take RIGHT NOW! This week isn’t about removing things from your life, it is about adding in healthy habits so you begin to feel better now!
What you need is a plan -
this is like no other approach out there! One hour of sobriety everyday, for 7 days. This hour everyday is going to jump start and ignite your sobriety healing!
Sober For An Hour
Starting your day with a Healthy PRactice is goiNg To HELP You At NigHT.
How you start your day, is how you end your day!
Everything begins with how we wake up! Starting your day feeling tired and exhausted from a restless night because you drank alcohol before bed, is wearing you down!
This is causing serious burn out! Being bored with life and needing alcohol to make it feel exciting is painful. Now everything just feels dull.
What I want to do this week is bring purpose, peace, and health back into your daily routine!
You can do this!
hi! my name is Mahina Keala,
And I battled an alcohol dependence for more than 10 years! I realized I was becoming severely depressed and had a gout infection (arthritis of the joints caused by inflammation) from drinking so much alcohol! I had to make a change in my life!
The pain was becoming unbearable for me, I was mentally and emotionally drained, tired all the time, unsatisfied with my life, and battling inflammation! I had to take matters into my own hands and learn how to heal myself. I wasn’t happy anymore and my body was breaking down, I could feel it.
Mahina - Certified HMI Wellness Coach -Your Sobriety Life & Nutrition Coach!
“Quitting alcohol gave me more energy, motivation, vigor, joy, purpose, hope, and most important - relief coming out of a decade long drinking binge!”
My approach is ADDINg In healthy practices, so that you are mentally and physically feeling better - and that makes it EASIER to say no to things that make you feel bad, like alcohol!
Healthy habits are the foundation to a sober life! You need a PLAN. This plan is going to give you a structured morning routine so you can focus on the important things in life - your health!
You don’t want to be hungover when you have a purpose in the morning. You don’t want to drink at night knowing when you wake up you have a morning routine you want to stick to because it makes you feel energized, happy, and brings hope back into your daily life!
Number one issue with alcohol:
is it makes you feel tired!
The more you drink, the more you will wake up exhausted, annoyed, feel weighed down, and be in a grouchy mood. That is not a great way to start your day! Alcohol has been taking a toll on your energy levels and mood!
These seven days are the BUILDING BLOCKS to your healthiest, sober self! I wanted to share with you my favorite energizing habits and healing practices I still do to this day, and will continue to do for life, they are that important!
They are critical to feel less stressed, give you energy in the morning, and release built up emotions that you would normally want to drink through.
These seven days are to help you bring life back into your daily routine!
You might be drinking right now, as you read this.
Maybe you are on vacation having a margarita in this moment.
You might have a nightly wine ritual.
You might have tried 7 other times to stop drinking alcohol and didn't stick to it.
That is okay! Come into this journey anyway, we'll go through it together.
Help you quit alcohol without shame or guilt!
Get you feeling energized and hopeful!
Help you destress in a healthy way.
Start to gently cleanse your body! This helps you with the bloat, headaches, and lethargy alcohol causes.
7-Day Overview:
DAY 1: A calming meditation by Liana Shanti to calm your nervous system, relax your mind, & bring you a feeling of peace. Perfect start for the week!
DAY 2: Simple practice to get you energized and refreshed for you day to begin! This can have a major impact on your bloat and headaches.
DAY 3: Writing prompt to help you express all the emotions alcohol has been suppressing! These emotions get stuck and cause you to reach for the alcohol. This writing will help you release and be DONE with those for good!
DAY 4: Get the Lymphatic System moving! Bye bye toxins, stuck emotions, and cellulite! Alcohol creates a sedentary lifestyle and moving this energy is critical!
DAY 5: Easy movement for healing your mental health and getting out of depression.
DAY 6: Tea ceremony! One of the most powerful herbs to start drinking right away!
DAY 7: Short audio message on WHY you want to get sober! Your WHY is going to carry you through out your sobriety journey and it is important to always come back to this WHY!
You will never change your life unless you change what you do daily. Your habits make you who you are.
I have a short introduction about my own addictions to alcohol and then we get right into our days! I tell you what you will need for the week which I kept at a minimum because I want this to be SUPER EASY for you. You can gather your minimal materials before the seven days begin. At the end, on the seventh day, I have a 12-minute audio where I talk to you beautiful ladies about my own reasons for wanting to get sober followed by a writing prompt. Super easy and fun!
Every day we will focus on ONE thing to do for that hour. Just one. Then the next day we will do something new. Everyday we do a new thing. You want to implement new tools to your life without feeling overwhelmed. Small steps vs. huge strides. It's ONE hour, for seven days. Know you are NEVER alone in your sobriety journey, and I am right there with you. Now let’s begin!